Tips on Preserving Your Privacy Online

Preserve online privacy

Nowadays, we are living in a remarkable time of social media influence. We make memories by capturing beautiful places, people and things. We do shopping online from the convenience of our homes. Reach thousands of people through social networking and blogging platform.

Is it safe? Or Risky?

As we’ve observed, every individual supply most of the important information in engaging online relationship. Without thinking that there are people who want to steal your identity who will easily get information through the Internet where they can apply their technical skills. Data breaches, identity theft, phishing scams, and even viruses are growing in number and complexity.

Safety and security on the internet impact everyone in it. You should be able to understand what is happening to your personal information and ensure that you have to control how it is being used.

Many people look on ways to protect their privacy online. Check out the following tips below to safeguard your personal information online:

Use of Incognito Tabs

Ad networks have the ability to track their users across the Internet. They will know whether they’re logged into a particular site or not. To prevent such way of surveillance, use Incognito Mode on your Chrome browser. This will anonymize you on the sites you frequently visit, making it hard for the outsiders to link your data. You can also consider using Tor, it’s like a regular browser with privacy benefits.

Use of Multiple Email Address

You’re doing it wrong if you have one email to rule out your transactions online. Maybe you don’t want that medical professional you contacted looking you up on Facebook or if an employee tracked you down in LinkedIn.  The ideal practice is to keep at least three (3) primary email – one for your social media, one for managing customer service and newsletter sign-up and one for your personal interactions. Treat it as your home address, you wouldn’t simply hand it over to every institution or person you interact with.

Disable Using Public Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi will broadcast your detailed information, your location and internet usage – every page you visit will be monitored. Disabling Wi-Fi connection, except when you’re using it will prevent the promiscuous broadcast of information, including your usernames and passwords.

Be Particular in Interacting with Brands

Personal data is so valuable, many brands are asking for more additional information, such as social security number, date of birth and telephone numbers. Brands take advantages of your location data to present specific services and targeted ads. They used this technique to identify who you are. To open a certain site, you should block the third-party cookies on your browser to maintain anonymity.

Encrypt Your Online Connections

What is Encryption? Encryption is the process of encoding a particular information that is only intelligible to those given access. It will help protect the privacy of users and offers a guarantee that they are not looking at the spoof page. Make sure that your browser uses an encrypted connection wherever it is supported. Online services such as Facebook, Gmail, and Twitter also offer encrypted connections. Keep in mind, encryption is only useful if the person you’re communicating also uses a compatible encryption service.

While these measures can provide you with individual protections, the most powerful action to take into consideration is collaborative. We should take safety precautions to our username and password. Use very strong passwords consisting of special characters, letters, and numbers.

With more and more lives moving online, be more responsible in sharing personal information in the Internet world. Use preventative software applications, such as anti-spam, anti-virus, anti-malware, and firewalls. Remember to always clear the browser’s cache and history to avoid duplication of information.

Hopefully, this blog helps you to preserve your important information and your privacy online. If you have questions and inquiries regarding privacy online, just leave a comment.